Friday, August 14, 2009


i have attended a conference for the last 3 days; 11 -13 August 2009.
it have been held at Putra World Trade Center (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur.
its started from 9am to 5pm for the 3 days.
we are selected students from UiTM went there by bus. we were supported by UiTM for everything including the fees and transport. the fees for one students costs about RM400.
the most important part is this conference are open to postgraduate students and above. we are just undergraduate and UiTM still give us chance to take part in this big event.
this conference combine 3 programmes together which is 10th Asian Conference on Analytical Sciences, 22nd Malaysian Symposium on Analytical Sciences and 4th Biennial Regional Symposium on Total Laboratory Management and also incorporating with Mini Symposium on Halal Products Analysis and Innovation.
this international event is organized by Institut Kimia Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Department of Chemistry Malaysia and Persatuan Sains Analisis Malaysia in collaboration with Universiti Malaya, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Institute for Medical Research, Department of Standards Malaysia and Malaysian Tourism Promotion Board.
the opening ceremony of this event was officiated by YB Datuk Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili; the honourable Minister of Sciences, Technology and Innovation on 11 August 2009 at Dewan Tun Hussien Onn, PWTC. after the opening ceremony, the launching of LabAsia 2009 is done at Tun Razak Hall 4. then, we had a tour around the LabAsia exhibition.
at the exhibition, there a lot of company displaying and promoting their laboratory products such as chemical, analysis machine and also protective equipment. i took the chance to buy the protective goggle; KleenGuard V10 for only RM7.50 from company named Global Science.
in this conference, there are various areas of sciences were presented. they are Bioanalytical Chemistry, Electroanalytical Chemistry, Thermal Analysis, Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Separation Science, Sampling and Sensor Technology, Miniaturization Technology, Environmental Analysis, Food and Drug Analysis, Materials Analysis
from above areas, i interested more on food and oil analysis, catalysis and industrial applications, natural products analysis, and organic and polymer analysis. the main reason is there are several topic presented on palm oil based product and innovation. this is because my final year project are about palm oil based product.
even though the topic presented are too high for undergraduate students like us to understand the whole part, there still some parts where we can understands and add up our knowledge on that particular topic.
besides additional knowledge, another one important part is the experience that we gained from all the speakers on their self confidence in presenting their work and answering all the question from the audience. this part make me really impressive especially when i saw one Malay man presenting his work in Bilik Melaka at the second day. Zaidi Ab.Ghani is one of the speakers from Malaysia presenting his work on catalysis and industrial application. he is postgraduate student from UiTM Arau,Perlis. he is doing researches on Mukah Balingian coal. even though i dont really know about this topic, but i gained his spirit and also his self confidence. he sat besides me before the presentation and i did not see him panic and i just saw he is so cool and relax.
the official language of this conference is English. so, all the speakers have to give their speech in English. i found very difficult to understand their speech due to their English assent. this part makes me proud of Malaysia because if compared to all the country involved in this conference such as Australia, India, Korea, China, Pakistan, Taiwan, Thailand, Mongolia and Bangladesh, Malaysia has the best English assent.
i also gained some knowledge from the poster session on how to prepared the poster and what are the points should be include in the poster. here i'm proud withUiTM because there a lot of participation from UiTM and there 2 poster get award; one of them get the main prizes. the award had been by the 3 most important person in organizing this conference; Datuk Dr Soon Ting Kueh; Chairman ASIANALYSIS X, Assoc Prof Dr Haji Zaini Bin Haji Hamzah, Co-chair ASIANALYSIS, and Professor Dr Musa Ahmad, Co-chair ASIANALYSIS.
~the end~
sebenar nyer, ni report nak kene hantar tuk dapatkan sijil kehadiran.....hihihihihi....

Monday, August 10, 2009

my happiest day ever.....

this is the final product...modified palm oil...
this is the automatic applicator...make the work become smooth and the coating become nice..

this is UV machine..use to cure the fast..within 1 min the sample can be cure..

just wanna share with u all that,
today is my happiest day.....
my final year project is done!!!!
and en.faiza make me happy too....
he's really good lect for me ever....
die bg sy semangat...
mmg sgt2 mengembirakan,....
thanks a lot EN.FAIZA.....

Friday, August 7, 2009

my final project...

ni la yg sy buat lam lab tu ber hari2...
tp sbnr nyer silap sndr...
tu sbb la i keep on doing the same thing...
sample tu blh gne tp sy buang...
"awak suke buat keje bnyk kali"...
tu la yg supervisor sy ckap...DR.AHMAD FAIZA.
sbnrnyer sy x confident lgsg dgn ape yg sy buat..
betul ke x??
jdi ke x??
tp aritu ad sesuatu yg buat sy bangga tuk seketika...
die puji sy...
die ckap,
sy set up radas da kemas skang ni...
mau x nyer...
da lbih 10 kali buat bnde yg sme...
tp berbaloi....
sy puas dgn ape yg sy buat stkat ni...
dan skang ni,
project da nk siap...
die nmpk gembira dgn hsil lam set sintesis tu...
kite tgk ape jd mggu dpn...
die nk add color kat yield tu...
teruja la plak...
seronok buat bnde ni...
lbih2 lg bile ape yg kte nk tu da dpt...
leh buat senyum sorg2 dpn FTIR tu...
mmg puas...
walaupun kne blik umah kul 9mlm...
xksah pun...
dan skang sy da mula dpt rse kan kepuasaan tu...

my industrial practical at MINT

ni sume gambar set sintesis kat MINT...
first of all, thanks a lot to EN.HAMZAH, EN.SUFIAN and specially thanks to CIK MEK ZAH SALLEH....
she had taught me a lot about sintesis...
tu yg wat minat nk wat master lam field ni...
walaupun cra die ajar xkne ngan sy,
da nme pun manusia kan...
manusia ad mcm2...
so, kte juga manusia...
kite kne sesuaikan diri kite dgn persekitaran...
msuk tmpt org, kne la ikut cra org...
bak kta org2 dulu pun,
msuk kndg kambing mengembek, klw msuk kndg ghimau???
kne ngap la...
tp tu la hakikat kehidupan...
kite xleh expect org ikut cra kite...
lbih2 lg bile nk menurun ilmu ni...
thanks a lot to her...
miss her "ceramah" so much...



where should i start???

about d fact of life k....

korg perasan x yg bnyk bnde lam dunia nie yg kte nak tpi kte xdpt

or even klw dpt pun, lmbt gle bru dpt.....

klw dpt tu kre ok jgk la....

tpi ble xdpt????

dpt2 plak tgk org laen dpt kan......

gerenti bikin hati pns kan......

tpi pnh x korg pk,

npe kte xdpt bnde tu....

org ckap,

sume bnde yg berlaku tu ad hikmah nya....

tpi kan....

lets say....

bnde yg kte xdpt tu mmg kte nak sgt3...........

cmne kte nak ckap ngan naluri kte yg....



bljar la tuk trme knyataan hdup guys..........

kte merancang........

KAT ATAS tu yg mnentukan.....

die lbih tau pe yg akn berlaku pd hdup kte kan

sape kte nak melawan takdir rie


tu bkn bererti kte leh simply say



tu bkn sifat manusia yg ad akal lam hdup die....

manusia TUHAN bg akal....

bg kudrat....

tuk kte ikhtiar....

ikhtir ngan ikhlas....

ngan sungguh2....

da abes daya..

bru la tawakal.......

jln terakhir.....


hakikat hidup...

Jika kamu memancing ikan.....

Setelah ikan itu terikat di mata kail,

hendaklah kamu mengambil ikan itu..... Janganlah sesekali kamu lepaskan ia semula ke dalam air begitu saja....

Karena ia akan sakit oleh kerana bisanya ketajaman mata kailmu dan mungkin ia akan menderita selagi ia masih hidup.

Begitulah juga setelah kamu memberi banyak pengharapan kepada seseorang... .

Setelah ia mulai menyayangimu hendaklah kamu menjaga hatinya.....

Janganlah sesekali kamu meninggalkannya begitu saja......

Kerana ia akan terluka oleh kenangan bersamamu dan mungkin tidak dapat melupakan segalanya selagi dia mengingat... ..

Begitu juga jika kamu memiliki seseorang, terimalah seadanya.... .

Janganlah kamu terlalu mengaguminya dan janganlah kamu menganggapnya begitu istimewa.... .

Anggaplah ia manusia biasa.

Apabila sekali ia melakukan kesilapan bukan mudah bagi kamu untuk menerimanya. ....

akhirnya kamu kecewa dan meninggalkannya.

Sedangkan jika kamu memaafkannya boleh jadi hubungan kamu akan terus hingga ke akhirnya.... .

Begitu juga jika kamu telah bertemu dengan seorang insan....

yang membawa kebaikan kepada dirimu. Menyayangimu.


Mengapa kamu berlengah, coba bandingkannya dengan yang lain.

Terlalu mengejar kesempurnaan.

Kelak, kamu akan kehilangannya .....

dan menyesal sudah tiada gunanya.


Ketawa dan airmata
Itu sebenarnya cinta
Kalau kau sedih pasti ku rasa
Begitu sebaliknya

Ku senang engkau cemburu
Itu tanda kau sayangiku
Baru kau takut kehilanganku
Begitu juga aku

Ku juga suka bila kau curiga
Itu mengajarku erti setia
Apa pun sikapmu aku terima
Asalkan ada kebaikan
Walaupun sering kau ku tinggalkan
Itu tiada bermakna
Kau ku abaikan

Memang sesekali sikapmu
Membuat aku jemu
Hingga kau takku pedulikan
Untuk menyedarkan

Belum pernah ada cinta
Di dalam kehidupan manusia
Sepanjang masa bahagia
Tanpa air mata...

it's me.....

Suka berlawak(bkn,suke ketawa..even for small matter..i really appreciate those people that can make me laugh), mudah tertawan kepadanya(mmg pun..mdh jtuh hati ngan kebaikan org..pantang org take care,sng je nk suke kat die..), sopan santun(x kot..sbb princess ni anak pmpn,agak boyish sket la..hehe..) dan caring terhadap orang lain(sgt2 caring tntg org sekeliling..kdg tu smpi dri sndr terkorban..huhu..), berani dan tidak tahu takut(princess mmg brni klw ajak tgk cter antu, princess nyorok blkg org..hihi..), orangnya agak tegas(sgt most of the time, cair ngan air mata..) dan berkepimpinan(xbpe sure ble kne lead a group, i still can be a group leader), pandai memujuk orang lain(mybe..lum cbe, lum tau kan..hihi..), terlalu pemurah(yup..xksah sgt psl, ble poket kempis, berkire jgk..) dan bersikap ego, nilai harga diri yang sangat tinggi(da sememangnyer...ego dlm diam..), dahagakan pujian(pujian tu kan pembakar smgt..xgitu??), semangat juang yang luar biasa(yup..xksh la kne stay back bpe jam pun, slgi xsiap keje tu, princess akn wat smpi siap..), cepat marah dan mudah mengamuk(angin stu bdn..sume mber ble princess mrh pun, xpnh la nk ngamuk2..diam je..tu je yg plg truk pnh dibuat tuk tnjk protes..), mudah marah apabila cakapnya dilawan(xla..xpnh pun mrh org yg xmau ikut ckap princess..), sangat cemburu(mesti la..nme pun pmpn..), daya pemerhatian yang tajam dan teliti(suke lepak tgk gelagat astro..mcm2 ada..), cepat berfikir(ble duk sorg2, otak ble wat group work, mmg pyh nk pk..mybe sbb tau ad org laen yg leh tlg pkir kn kot..), fikiran yang berdikari(mmm..xbpe la..sbb, princess xpndai wat kptsan sndr lagi..huhu..), suka memimpin dan dipimpin(xkesah..due2 pun princess blh idup..very flexible..), sifat suka berangan(sgt2 suke berangan..pantang duk lam blik sorg2.pasti pkiran mlyang ntah kemane..), berbakat dalam seni lukis(xbpe pndi, klw bermain ngan warne, princess terer..), hiburan dan silat(sume jns hiburan princess suke..especially yg rancak..silat?xpnh teakwndo tu ad la..tu pun xabes,smpi kuning je..), sangat sensitif tapi tidak mudah merajuk(cepa terase tp cmdh merajuk..klw ngajuk pun,kjp sgt2..ble nk ngade2, ngajuk la lme2 sket..sbnrnyer da baek da..), cepat ditimpa penyakit(antibodi princess lmh sgt..cpt skit pale..), belajar untuk relax(msih lam process..), sikap kelam kabut( sket kot..especially ble sorg2..xtau nk wat mne dulu..), romantik(yeke??ad la sket..hihi..), pengasih, penyayang(mmm..mmg pun..cume, princess xtau cmne nk show the luv..), suka mencari kawan(da tentu..cume, princess ni pyh sket nk igt org..jgn mrah..).

bas oh bas....

salam.... just wanna share something common with u all... berebut naek bas.... rse2 nyer kat mner2 pun sme... so far yg pling truk sy tgk kat uitm... sbb sini je tmpt plg jauh pnh sy duduk.. mklumla ... degree pun x abes lg.. hihihi... gurl yg comey, sopan, ayu , lemah lembut.... boleh berubah dlm sekelip mte bile tgk bas dtg..... caye x???? hahahahaha..... btul... ni mmg realiti.... tgk je la....diorg pnye rebut, mcm la bas tu just benti tuk seminit... pdhal pakcik bas tu ckup consider tuk tggu sume yg cube tuk naek bas tu btul2 ad lam bas... kdg2 sy terfikir, untuk ape berebut... sedangkan, keadaan berebut tu yg wat lg lambt diorg dpt naek bas.. klw diorg naek cm org terpelajar, xde mslh kai tersepit kat pintu bas... xde mslh kain or beg tersepit kat celah pintu bas... ni tidak.... berebut2.... pastu bile org laen tolak die, marah org... jerit2 la... pelik....pelik..... nape ek??? klw korg xcya, korg tgk la gmbr ni... cube la korg fikir... agak nyer da bpe bnyk la pakcik2 bas tu gelak kan student2 uitm tu... mesti diorg ckap, sme je bwk bas rapid ngan bwk bas sekolah.... tul x???